Maggioli (MAG) is a leading Italian company offering a broad range of highly professional solutions in several domains: i) Information Technology, ii) Services & Technologies, iii) Publishing, Training and Education, iv) Document Management, and v) Museums, Art and Culture. The company belongs to the Maggioli Group, which has more than 1,800 employees around the globe, including several Italian branches, as well as subsidiaries in Belgium (Brussels), Spain (Tenerife and Madrid), Greece (Athens) and Colombia (Bogota).

Maggioli Greece, where the majority of the RadioVal team is based, is acting as a near-shore extension of Maggioli Research and Innovation Unit and it is fully integrated with it, thus, participating in most of Maggioli Group R&D international projects.

Maggioli has a successful track record of involvement as system integrator, software developer and domain expert in numerous large-scale IT projects, both commercial and research oriented. Our team has an outstanding software and service engineering and IT integration background, and rich experience in applied research in technologies related to Complex System Architectures, federated data sharing, Cloud Computing, Big Data storage and management, data interoperability, Internet of Things, cybersecurity, and many more. Many of the above technologies are applied in the area of eHealth and Health Data Spaces, where the company is especially active in the R&D arena. They are also offered by Maggioli as part of various cloud-based commercial solutions and services targeting both public and private organizations at local, regional and governmental level.

Maggioli is one of the founding members of the Artificial Intelligence for Health Imaging (AI4HI) network, a network of five EU-funded research projects working on the development of large cancer imaging data repositories and AI solutions applied on cancer imaging to support clinical practice in cancer diagnosis, treatment and follow-up. The network consists of 86 affiliated institutions from 20 countries, bringing together health data from more than 91.000 cancer patients. The company is also coordinating the EU-funded INCISIVE project (, which is building A) a pan-European federated repository of cancer images and accompanying clinical data from more than 9 clinical sites, related to 4 types of cancer; B) an AI toolbox including many AI models and services for decision support to healthcare professionals in the diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of cancer.

Maggioli complies with the UNI EN ISO 9001:2008 and UNI CEI ISO/IEC 27001:2014 Certificates of Quality.

MAG in RadioVal

Maggioli is participating in all major tasks of RadioVal and lead WP3-Tools for continuous evaluation, monitoring and traceability of AI. In this context, our team is responsible for the development of a radiomics AI-passport that will accompany the AI-tools developed in the project (a continously updated inventory of all important information about the radiomics-AI that should be communicated to the AI-tool users, ensuring AI traceability and transparency). Maggioli also leads the design and implementation of the human-in-the-loop mechanism for clinical feedback and the related human-machine interaction models in support of the desired feedback loops between the healthcare professionals and the RadioVal AI-tool.

Gianna Tsakou

Gianna Tsakou is a Senior Project Manager / Senior Analyst in the Athens R&D Lab of Maggioli S.P.A., where she has the overview of the eHealth EU funded projects.  She is the Coordinator of INCISIVE, a €10 million  project implemented by 26 partners, targeting the development of a multimodal AI-based Toolbox and an interoperable health imaging repository for the empowerment of imaging analysis related to the diagnosis, prediction and follow-up of cancer. She is also the Principal Investigator for Maggioli in RadioVal. Before joining Maggioli, Gianna worked as a Senior Project Manager / Analyst in the EU Projects Department of SingularLogic S.A. (2008-2020) and in other public institutes and private companies. She has been acting as project coordinator / analyst and researcher of EC and nationally funded IT research projects since 1999, conducting research in over 30 R&D projects through which she has acquired expertise and know-how in a wide range of research areas, among which AI in cancer imaging, big data repositories, eHealth services, multi-modal interfaces, interoperability of services, and natural language processing. Since 2003, she is invited every year by the EC as expert evaluator and reviewer for several topics of Horizon Europe, EIC Accelerator and Digital Europe Programmes.

Stefanie Charalambous

Stefanie Charalambous is a Project Manager / Analyst in the Research and Development Hub of Maggioli S.P.A. Greek branch in Athens. She has been actively involved in research projects co-funded by the European Union under various Frameworks and Programmes including Horizon Europe, Horizon 2020, and Digital Europe Programme. She has extensive work experience in both private and public healthcare sectors as she has formerly worked as a Diagnostic and Therapeutic Radiographer. Prior to joining Maggioli, Stefanie worked as a Therapeutic Radiographer in German Oncology Center (2017-2022) where she competently operated advanced technologies in both clinical aspects (treatment and imaging), was involved in the development of the standard operating procedures and organizational processes for all treatment and imaging techniques and she was an active member of the Radiotherapy Research Board. She holds a BSc degree in Therapeutic Radiography and a MSc degree in Cancer Biology, where she received the prize of excellence. She possesses excellent communication and interpersonal skills whilst she also demonstrates very strong managerial skills. Her major interests include machine learning and artificial intelligence in healthcare and cancer imaging, big data repositories, personalized medicine and the improvement of quality of life after cancer treatments.

Sofia Theodoridou

Sofia Theodoridou, Dipl-Eng, MSc, MA is an engineer with core expertise in imaging technologies. She is a member of the Maggioli S.P.A. team that is coordinating INCISIVE, a€ 10million project implemented by 26 partners, targeting the development of a multimodal AI-based  Toolbox and an interoperable health imaging repository for the empowerment of imaging analysis related to the diagnosis, prediction and follow-up of cancer. She is also one of the Principal Investigators for Maggioli in RadioVal. She has several years of experience being involved in the development and implementation of multidisciplinary R&D projects and as a project manager of various engineering studies. She is often invited by the EC to act as expert evaluator for several topics under the Horizon Europe Programme and as a reviewer of projects funded by Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe.

Paris Laras

Paris Laras is a Technical Manager and team lead for the Athens department of Maggioli. Paris studied IT in the University of West Attica, where he formed a software development team with other students and went on to publish multiple digital games. He continued interacting with the Game Development industry of Greece and, in coordination with other members of the industry, has founded the Game Developer Association of Greece.

His personal research revolves around the field of Cyber Security, specifically enumeration and assessment of vulnerabilities, while he has participated in multiple research projects in the fields of AI in health and Industry 4.0 as a developer and technical coordinator.

His main expertise lies in the Design and Production of software. He specializes in team coordination, designing for innovation, and management of the software production process, while his skills expand from technical design, to DevOps, to full-stack software development.

Antonio Maturo

Antonio Maturo is a Professor of Sociology of health at the University of Bologna and he is acting as a consultant for Maggioli Group. His expertise encompasses the social aspects of chronic illness and patient experience; digital health; social participation in health management; health organization; and social research methodology. At the University of Bologna, Antonio Maturo is the Chair of the PhD Programme in Sociology and Social Research and the Director of the Center for Advanced Study in Patient Experience and Social Health. Antonio Maturo has also taught Medical Sociology for five years at Brown University.

Among his books: Good Pharma, Palgrave, 2015 (with D. Light), Digital Health and the Gamification of Life, Emerald, 2018 (with V. Moretti) and Wellness, Social Policy and Public Health, Emerald, 2023 (with F. Setiffi).